you know, i have bittersweet feelings for you. when we first hooked up i was all about it. couldn't get enough. skip this meal, great, lets bring on the smaller waist! it felt good to not be hungry for a bit. even when i felt faint i thought "ohhh wow, so this is what being skinny feels like". now, you did allow me to eat just enough to keep myself alive which was very thoughtful of you. it was great to nibble on a meal and feel full pretty quickly. i thought i was truly happy with you. that was until you caused the most awful thing to happen. you prevented me from enjoying a burrito. how could you? you know how crucial burritos are to my happiness. i couldn't even enjoy the soggy last bite. you know, the part where everything sinks to the bottom and is disgustingly good. sorry but i have to draw the line now. i don't know if i can trust you anymore. i may be open to working something out in moderation. but until then, give me back my burrito.
yours possibly never again,

Couldn't of said it better myself. Thanks Chipotle