Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my blog! I just recently ended a relationship and it is the hardest thing I've ever gone through. This was my first real love and therefore, my first real breakup. A part of me died and I now know how it feels to lose someone you love (I probably heard that in a movie somewhere). Okay, so maybe no one really died per se, but that's how it feels. Friends and family are at my side and they all give me great advice, so I thank them for that. Merci beaucoup! It is still a battle for me and my mood varies day to day. I am hoping that this blog will help me with the healing process. I will use this as an outlet to document my thoughts, emotions, and ideas that occur as I deal with this heartbreak.
Dramatic? Yes indeed. I am hoping I will look back at this one day and know it was a lesson learned. Or perhaps that I was better off without him...

you are beautiful!!!