Tuesday, August 18, 2009

i wear dresses. and i am powerful.

I get a lot of comments about how I wear dresses and skirts all the time.  People say it's "cute".  No one ever says "she wears dresses, she must be strong and powerful".  There is something wrong with that.  

Erin Fetherston is my favorite young designer.  She designs for the woman that I like to think I am or will become.  She embraces femininity, while creating an image of a strong woman.  I feel like sometimes we get so caught up in gender equality that we forget to celebrate ourselves.  Yes, we women are equally as strong and powerful as men (if someone disagrees, just remind them that we are all human).  However we don't need to dress like them to prove that.  Whoever had the idea that we need to wear a pant suit to the office to be as powerful as a man, clearly had their knickers in a bunch.  Or they must of had cankles and in that case, yes, stick to your pant suit.  But if your matching knickers aren't bunched and you can distinct your calves from your ankles, well then wear a pretty dress or a skirt from time to time.  Or anything that makes you feel confident and also reflects your personality.

With anything I post, if you choose to follow my advice, just remember to make it your own.  Tailor it to your own needs.  We all can be inspired by each other and follow the ideas of others, but always stay true to yourself.  Never follow a path of another for too long or else you will eventually lose that strong leader you were destined to become...   

1 comment:

  1. I love it!!!!!!! And I love your style and your dresses!
